Budget Meeting Announcement


Dear [NAME],

In preparation for our [annual/semi-annual] budget meeting, we would like to present a few considerations for this important occasion. As a beloved member of this church, your participation either through attendance or prayer is so important and valuable to us. Our budget meeting has been set for [DATE], and there are a couple things that we want to address.

From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as every part does its work. Ephesians 4:16

The importance of prayer

As with any decision that involves this church, we want to open our ears to what God has intended for the church and our various ministries. Therefore, we must first start this meeting in prayer. Please pray for God's direction and guidance in all matters, and pray that He will bless all of the ministries greatly in the areas that we fund with our member's offerings, tithes, and donations. God can greatly use your time, money, and gifts for His purpose, and we all pray that these things can be revealed in us.

The importance of consideration

Secondly, consider the various ways our money is divided. We will approach this more in our meeting, but in the past we have always discussed our various missions and ministries, a calendar full of activities within the church and community, church staff support and maintenance costs, as well as any other areas of stewardship in which we have participated. Considering these matters in advance will help prepare our hearts to what will be addressed in our budget meetings.

Should you have any questions regarding budget planning or an idea of where you would like to see donations used, we encourage you to attend. You can also call us at [CHURCH NUMBER] or email us at [CHURCH EMAIL]. We can't express what it means to us to have you in our church family. We know that God will bless this church in so many ways through you, and we have already seen this take place.

God Bless,





And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)